by Ralph Fletcher
A Writing Kind of Day is a children's book of poetry that contains over twenty-five wonderful poems. The writing and word choice is set for young poets because it is simpler and more straight forward. This book collects great examples of styles of poetry that is sure to help students see that poetry can be rather simple or very intriguing and developed. Flectcher also does an excellent job showing students that just about any topic can be made into a poem as he has poems on his grandmother, a Venus flytrap, slavery, and even writer's block. I would keep this book in class but also take it out for myself because it has many useful examples that would be perfect for some mini lessons during readers and writers workshop. This children's book also includes unique and fun pictures as the backgrounds or additional side images that allows these fun poems to come alive. Although the pictures are great, I believe that the pictures would have been better if they were in color. All in all, this is a wonderful book of children's poems that is sure to be seen in my classroom.
Intended Age 8-12
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