Final Class Reflection
From taking this course, I have realized just how beneficial children's literature can be to the elementary classroom. One important concept in the elementary reading classroom is to allow choice in reading selection. I now feel better prepared to suggest the multitude of choices that are currently available for children from graphic novels, informational picture books, poetry to children's novels. During my practicum this semester, my students had time to visit the school library on a day that the librarian was sick. I was excited because I felt prepared to be able to suggest books based upon talking about their interests. From being introduced to the dozens of texts in this class, I feel better prepared to integrate these into science, math, social studies and more. One of the favorite parts of this course has been the investigation into banned books. I enjoyed reading these controversial children's books and looking at both sides of the argument. I also was glad we were able to read Year of Impossible Goodbyes and So Far From the Bamboo Grove to understand how the same story can have two completely different sides. I am excited to bring these novels into my future classroom to give my students a first hand look two sides of the same story. Overall I thoroughly enjoyed this class this semester and look forward to using everything I have gained in this class to better suit the learning of my future students.